Y_ini floats not loading

This is in my .ini file:

PHP код:
PositionX 1154.375244 
= -1759.874877 
After I logged back in for the SECOND TIME after the server restart it loaded my coordinates somehow :O


Messages In This Thread
Y_ini floats not loading - by ikbenremco - 04.11.2013, 17:33
Respuesta: Y_ini floats not loading - by adri1 - 04.11.2013, 17:45
Re: Y_ini floats not loading - by ikbenremco - 04.11.2013, 17:49
Re: Y_ini floats not loading - by Konstantinos - 04.11.2013, 17:50
Re: Y_ini floats not loading - by ikbenremco - 04.11.2013, 17:53
Re: Y_ini floats not loading - by ikbenremco - 05.11.2013, 05:47
Re: Y_ini floats not loading - by ikbenremco - 05.11.2013, 12:11

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