OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint Not working

Why would you need IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint()? It's absolute non-sense entering a checkpoint IMPLIES your within range of a point there is no need for that check, it serves absolutely no purpose but to fuck up your code like it has. You only need to keep track of a checkpoint index for example....

pawn Код:
#define FEDEX_STEP_1

CPIndex[playerid] = FEDEX_STEP_1

        case FEDEX_STEP_1: { }
        case FEDEX_STEP_2: { }
        case FEDEX_STEP_3: { }
        case FEDEX_STEP_4: { }
        case FEDEX_STEP_5: { }
        case FEDEX_STEP_6: { }


Messages In This Thread
OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint Not working - by maximthepain - 04.11.2013, 14:53
AW: OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint Not working - by Skimmer - 04.11.2013, 15:10
Re: AW: OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint Not working - by maximthepain - 04.11.2013, 15:16
Re: OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint Not working - by Tagathron - 04.11.2013, 15:18
AW: OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint Not working - by Skimmer - 04.11.2013, 15:21
Re: OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint Not working - by maximthepain - 04.11.2013, 15:23
Re: OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint Not working - by Pottus - 04.11.2013, 15:24

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