How can i get areaid (streamer plugin)

	CreateDynamicPolygon(pArea, -FLOAT_INFINITY, FLOAT_INFINITY, sizeof(pArea), -1, -1, -1);//How can i get id of it?
	return 1;

public OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea(playerid, areaid)
	if (areaid== ? )
	return 1;
(I wouldn't ask all of this if functions would have at least some basic explanation on source topic.
They're just posted with names.)

Messages In This Thread
How can i get areaid (streamer plugin) - by Tagathron - 04.11.2013, 13:54
AW: How can i get areaid (streamer plugin) - by BigETI - 04.11.2013, 13:57
Re: How can i get areaid (streamer plugin) - by Tagathron - 04.11.2013, 14:16

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