Originally Posted by -Prodigy-
Well, you can't hide them. What you can do is send a blank message 5 times to get rid of the current death messages. If you want something like this, then give this a try:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath(..) { SendDeathMessage(killerid, playerid, reason), SetTimer("cleardm", 120000, false); // You can either do it this way or set a global timer that repeats return 1; }
forward cleardm(); public cleardm() { for(new g = 0; g < 5; g++) SendDeathMessage(255, 24, 255); return 1; }
Thank you for your help. Sending 5 blank messages is fine, I am not making this server for commercial use, I just want an enjoyable server to play on, so "working around the bush" is not a problem for me. My I ask you to break down this code please? Rather then copy and paste it I would like to learn what it means and how it works.