Spawn cars always in front of player, no matter what direction.

I want to spawn cars always in front of the player, no matter what direction they are facing. Because if i just face forward, it works, it spawns in front of me. But if i look left, it will spawn just near me instead of in front.

Can somebody help?
This is my code;

pawn Код:
new Float:Angle;
GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Angle);
new SpawnedVeh = CreateVehicle(VehicleToSpawn, x, y+4, z, Angle, 0, 0, 99999999999999999999999999999);
VehicleToSpawn is Retrieved from the DCMD params.


Messages In This Thread
Spawn cars always in front of player, no matter what direction. - by Robbin237 - 18.04.2009, 08:11
Re: Spawn cars always in front of player, no matter what direction. - by Rks25 - 18.04.2009, 09:31
Re: Spawn cars always in front of player, no matter what direction. - by yom - 18.04.2009, 09:43

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