YSI callback bug [+3 rep]

You are creating a callback in this script but are never calling it. That is why it is not showing you the "printf". If you have the callback called somewhere, please show us that part of the script also.

Messages In This Thread
YSI callback bug [+3 rep] - by DarkZeroX - 26.10.2013, 14:20
Re: YSI callback bug [+3 rep] - by DarkLored - 26.10.2013, 14:21
Re : YSI callback bug [+3 rep] - by DarkZeroX - 26.10.2013, 14:27
Re: YSI callback bug [+3 rep] - by DarkLored - 26.10.2013, 14:29
Re : YSI callback bug [+3 rep] - by DarkZeroX - 26.10.2013, 14:42
Re: YSI callback bug [+3 rep] - by Max_Coldheart - 26.10.2013, 15:25
Re : YSI callback bug [+3 rep] - by DarkZeroX - 26.10.2013, 15:29

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