Server shuts down only when I join

Alright, the issue has persisted for days now and I can't just keep quiet and get no help. Recently, my volt-host server has refused to let me in first on the server. If I attempt to join, I'll receive the following before the server shuts itself down, with no record of having done so or reason as to why described in the console (it simply shows my join message in the console, then it's straight to starting itself back up):
[18:06:33] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3x-R1-2 {FFFFFF}Started

[18:06:36] Connecting to

[18:06:36] Connected. Joining the game...
Afterward, I get the typical messages you might get when you fail to start a server that's restarting, but I don't know WHY it's restarting. If another person were to join the server before me, then the server would be absolutely fine and afterward allow me passage. But if I attempt to join first, then what I said before will happen. Can someone PLEASE help? I really don't know what to do; it was working fine before.

Messages In This Thread
Server shuts down only when I join - by Fierro - 24.10.2013, 22:01
Re: Server shuts down only when I join - by iAnonymous - 24.10.2013, 22:03

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