Error with saving player's account ID 301+

I solved a problem with 301+ login, now I have other problem, on disconnect or on saveplayeraccount it just use another account stats and put it into that 301's account? I don't get it.

It don't save 301's or 302's acc, or +, with theirs stats, but it takes some other stats and save it to 301, 302...

Help, please?

Messages In This Thread
Error with saving player's account ID 301+ - by Stereotype - 24.10.2013, 15:27
Re: Error with saving player's account ID 301+ - by Stereotype - 24.10.2013, 17:00
Re: Error with saving player's account ID 301+ - by iZN - 24.10.2013, 17:02
Re: Error with saving player's account ID 301+ - by Stereotype - 24.10.2013, 17:04

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