******* videos are getting stuck in Chrome

Ohai der!

Since a few weeks I'm experiencing a very annoying problem: when I watch a ******* video using ****** Chrome (my default browser) the video gets stuck after a random amount of time. It has nothing to do with the video not being buffered: in most cases the whole video is already buffered after a few seconds of play time. When it's stuck, I'm unable to move the slider-thingy (don't know how to call it) either forward or backwards. Also, the video images itself freeze, but in some cases the audio keeps playing in a normal way. If I want to restart the video, I have to refresh the whole page.

Things worth knowing:
* My OS is Windows Vista. (I know, don't start)
* My mother has the same problem. She's also using ****** Chrome. (on W7)
* I've updated ****** Chrome and Java.
* I've cleared the cache multiple times.
* I can run video's without problems using Mozilla Firefox. Haven't tried IE, cause my current version is too outdated.
* Yes, I did use ****** first.

I hope someone has the knowledge to help me. I'm very annoyed by this right now!


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