16.04.2009, 10:10
Originally Posted by KennethHoegh
Sure - But im also looking for someone to teach me the "basic" commands (as you sar /car gives you an Infernus.) But i cant find any. :/
pawn Код:
if (!strcmp (cmdtext,"/infernus", true))
if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) //Is the player rcon admin?
if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) //the "!" means that if "IsPlayerInVehicle" returns false, the code will execute, if not, the return code will.
//car spawn code, ironicly this is the only thing i don't know :D lol :< maybe someone else can fill it in
return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"You are already in a vehicle!"); //If the player already is in a vehicle, this will happen
return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"Access denied!"); //If the player wasn't logged in to rcon, this happens.
just correct me if i did something wrong
I also wrote it directly on the forum.