
Originally Posted by =WoR=Mitch
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I used to be EA on that server, I know a few people who DDoS that server that are past admin that have been fired because they do there job, To stop the DDoS attack, Let admin do there jobs. If i knew how to DDoS I would have done it too. That whole server needs to learn respect, and how to run a server.

And its not because YOU personally are back, its because of the server Administration team as a WHOLE.
This seems to be the biggest complaint across all servers. If server owners would stop just giving out those positions just to attract players, it will never end. I know a server now where they have 25-30 players and at least 15-18 of them are admins. If server is new, owners should just do admin duties themselves until the community count goes up. Then pick admins who have been involved in your community and actually help the members. If you look to become an admin then be sure it is to help the community and not just to ding-dong around.

Messages In This Thread
DDoSers - by James Bob - 16.10.2013, 13:31
Re: DDoSers - by DanishHaq - 16.10.2013, 13:54
Re: DDoSers - by SsHady - 16.10.2013, 13:56
Re: DDoSers - by Fernado Samuel - 16.10.2013, 14:03
Re: DDoSers - by James Bob - 16.10.2013, 14:18
Re: DDoSers - by PrivatioBoni - 16.10.2013, 14:39
Re: DDoSers - by woot - 16.10.2013, 14:49
Re: DDoSers - by =WoR=Mitch - 16.10.2013, 15:58
Re: DDoSers - by GTA Simmer - 16.10.2013, 16:09
Re: DDoSers - by ViruZz - 16.10.2013, 18:44

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