OPCODE Warning(s007): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x7763DB74

Hello, I'm sorry if I'm posting this on the wrong section (if I am), but unfortunately I was trying to install some CLEO ELM to my game and I had to change the US thingy to make it work and I guess one of my buddy's changed the whole GTA_SA thingy and replaced it. Long story short, the game keep crashing once I was trying to go online and the connecting tab.

Lucky enough, I have a backup saved onto my computer and I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong or what's happening. The game starts up great but once the screen comes up, I get this opcode three times like down below. I know it's not the mods, because I uninstalled all of them. If you know what this opcode means, please help me. Thanks in advance!

Also: After about 30 minutes to an hour, the game keeps crashing.


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