pickup by sea????

It is possible
pawn Код:
//Parameters CreatePickup(model, type, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Virtualworld)
CreatePickup(PickupModel, PickupType, PickupPosX, PickupPosX, PickupPosZ, PickupVirtualWorld);
You can edit the PositionZ to increase the height of the pickup, when you can't see it.

Messages In This Thread
pickup by sea???? - by ic3cr3am - 15.10.2013, 17:12
Re: pickup by sea???? - by Anak - 15.10.2013, 17:24
Re: pickup by sea???? - by ic3cr3am - 15.10.2013, 17:25
Re: pickup by sea???? - by ic3cr3am - 15.10.2013, 17:39
Re: pickup by sea???? - by Patrick - 15.10.2013, 17:43

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