Two things... Saves posting two topics....

Is there a function, or one i can call BEFORE OnPlayerConnect?

I try adding something under OnPlayerConnect, to get the players position on connect....the view of the Vinewood sign...

It was an idea i had for detecting <cheat>

Since when a player connects using that, they get a view of the pyramid in LV rather than the Vinewoood view.

I connected witohut using it and did /save and got the pos for the vinewood view... then did the same when using the cheat, to get the pos for the pyramid view...

Then under OnPlayerConnect i made it check a radius around the saved position then sedn a message to me, to test that it was checking, but it didnt work...

So im wondering if theres something that comes before OnPlayerConnect, because its not a very reliable function for certain checks im wanting to do.

Sencond thing....

How can i skip the class selection for players who have a saved skin in their user file, before they actually login..

So when they connect they'll spawn in a certain place and arent able to use commands until they login, once they login they'll spawn into the game...

I've tried a function under OnPlayerConnect, to check if the players account exists, and if it does check their account for a saved skin... Then if they have a saved skin spawn them... It wont work though, unless i add it under OnPlayerRequestClass, which still doesnt work until the player moves left or right...

Any help on either of these would be awesome

Messages In This Thread
Two things... Saves posting two topics.... - by Outbreak - 15.04.2009, 16:42
REMOVE THIS REPLY PLEASE. - by Outbreak - 15.04.2009, 17:32

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