help skin class selection

Originally Posted by efrim123
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Because you didnt add other skins

use this
pawn Код:
Just do that and change the 24 to other skin ids
I did I have the complete list skin ids under ongamemodeint..

but I think this is because of my filterscript that it was defined as skin cj when spawning

EDIT: Please check the last line
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
    if(dialogid == DIALOG_REGISTER)
  			new weapons[13][2];
    		for (new i = 0; i < 13; i++)
    		GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid, i, weapons[i][0], weapons[i][1]);
			new Jfile[100],pIP[16],string[40],str[60],buf[145],year,month,day,hour,mins,sec;
			new seconds = gettime() - pInfo[playerid][ConnectedTime] + pInfo[playerid][TotalSecs];
			if(strlen(inputtext) < 3 || strlen(inputtext) > 20)
				if(MustRegister == 1) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Registration Error", "Enter the password:\n{FF0000}*Password length must be between 3 - 20 characters", "Register", "Kick");
				else return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Registration Error", "Enter the password:\n{FF0000}*Password length must be between 3 - 20 characters", "Register", "No Thanks");
	  		getdate(year, month, day);
          	format(string, 40,"%d/%d/%d at %d:%d:%d", day,month,year,hour,mins,sec);
          	format(str, 60,"%d/%d/%d at %d:%d:%d", day,month,year,hour,mins,sec);
           	format(Jfile, 100, ACCOUNTS_PATH, GetName(playerid));
           	WP_Hash(buf, sizeof(buf),inputtext);
           	new INI:ACCOUNT = INI_Open(Jfile);
           	INI_WriteString(ACCOUNT, "RegisteredOn", string);
           	INI_WriteString(ACCOUNT, "RegisteredIP", pIP);
           	INI_WriteString(ACCOUNT, "LastLoggedIP", pIP);
            INI_WriteString(ACCOUNT, "Password",buf);
            INI_WriteInt(ACCOUNT, "Level", 0);
            INI_WriteInt(ACCOUNT, "Banned", 0);
            INI_WriteInt(ACCOUNT, "Donator", 0);
            INI_WriteInt(ACCOUNT, "Score", START_SCORE);
            INI_WriteInt(ACCOUNT, "Cash", START_CASH);
            INI_WriteInt(ACCOUNT, "Kills", 0);
            INI_WriteInt(ACCOUNT, "Deaths", 0);
            INI_WriteInt(ACCOUNT, "Skin", 0);
I wonder what will I happened next when I will delete this line for skin?

Messages In This Thread
help skin class selection - by gotwarzone - 10.10.2013, 21:27
Re: help skin class selection - by efrim123 - 10.10.2013, 21:36
Re: help skin class selection - by gotwarzone - 10.10.2013, 21:50
Re: help skin class selection - by efrim123 - 10.10.2013, 22:00

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