Audiostream help

CMD:animals(playerid, params[])
    for( new u; u < MAX_PLAYERS; u++ )
        PlayAudioStreamForPlayer( u, "" );
    SendClientMessageToAll(-1, "Now playing: Martin Garrix - Animals");
    return 1;
Dis I have made, When one writes /animals, the message pops, but no music.

Add this:

CMD:animals(playerid, params[])
    for( new u; u < MAX_PLAYERS; u++ )
        PlayAudioStreamForPlayer( u, "" );
else {
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Nope!");
SendClientMessageToAll(-1, "Now playing: Martin Garrix - Animals");
return 1;
Only I as the RCOn admin can hear it.

Im trying to make it so when 1 writes /animals, everybody on the server gets looped the stream.

Help apprecciated and will get repped.

Ty in advance!

Messages In This Thread
Audiostream help - by eemalekorraks - 09.10.2013, 19:08
Re: Audiostream help - by Restriction - 09.10.2013, 19:37
Re: Audiostream help - by Mattakil - 10.10.2013, 00:31
Re: Audiostream help - by eemalekorraks - 10.10.2013, 14:03
Re: Audiostream help - by edzis84 - 10.10.2013, 15:26

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