Errors When Compiling

I had replied to your previous threads and you simply ignored my post. The only thing you did was to create the same thread over and over again. For last time.

It MUST be declared as:
pawn Код:
new Member[MAX_PLAYERS]
Originally Posted by damian123
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pawn Код:
Line 710 new filo[55];
Line 711 format(filo,55,"org%d.ini",Member[playerid]);
Line 712 SetPlayerColor(ID,HexToInt(dini_Get(filo,"Color")) ); //it has an extra space here, it should be ))) not )) )
Replace with:
pawn Код:
new filo[55];
spaces do not matter. I can do:
pawn Код:
SetPlayerColor(                    ID,                           HexToInt( dini_Get( filo, "color"          )            )         );

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