EDIT: Damn, hit post by mistake - Hold on a second.
EDIT2: Ok, fixed.
pawn Code:
//up with the rest of your #defines.
#define WEAPONSMENU 54
#define WEAPONSMENU1 55
#define WEAPONSMENU2 56
#define WEAPONSMENU3 57
#define WEAPONSMENU4 58
#define WEAPONSMENU5 59
#define WEAPONSMENU6 60
#define WEAPONSMENU7 61
//your /c command
CMD:c(playerid, params[])
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CMDS, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{09F7DF}Command Menu", "Weapons Menu", "Select", "Close");
return 1;
//put this under OnDialogResponse and repeat it for all of the different dialogues.
if(dialogid == DIALOG_CMDS)
case 0://show command menu dialog
case 1: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, WEAPONSMENU , DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Melee\nPistols\SMGs\nRifles\Assault\nShotguns\nMisc""Select", "Close");//show weapons dialog
//repeat this for all the dialogues.
if(dialogid == WEAPONSMENU )
if(listitem == 0) // Reset Weapons
case 0: // Meele
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, WEAPONSMENU1 , DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{09F7DF}Select a Weapon", "{09F7DF}Knuckle Dusters\n{09F7DF}Golf Club\n{09F7DF}Nite Stick\n{09F7DF}Bat\n{09F7DF}Shovel\n{09F7DF}Pool Cue\n{09F7DF}Katana\n{09F7DF}Dildo\n{09F7DF}Spray Can\n{09F7DF}Cane\n{09F7DF}Chainsaw\n{09F7DF}Vibrator", "Select", "Back");
case 1: // Pistols
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, WEAPONSMENU2 , DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{09F7DF}Select a Weapon", "{09F7DF}9mm\n{09F7DF}Silenced 9mm\n{09F7DF}Desert Eagle", "Select", "Back");
case 2: // Sub-Machine Guns
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, WEAPONSMENU3 , DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{09F7DF}Select a Weapon", "{09F7DF}Uzi\n{09F7DF}SMG\n{09F7DF}Tec9", "Select", "Back");
case 3: // Rifles
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, WEAPONSMENU4 , DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{09F7DF}Select a Weapon", "{09F7DF}Country Rifle\n{09F7DF}Sniper Rifle", "Select", "Back");
case 3: // Assault
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, WEAPONSMENU5 , DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{09F7DF}Select a Weapon", "{09F7DF}AK-47\n{09F7DF}M4", "Select", "Back");
case 3: // Shotguns
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, WEAPONSMENU6 , DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{09F7DF}Select a Weapon", "{09F7DF}Standard Shotgun\n{09F7DF}Sawnoff Shotgun\n{09F7DF}Combat Shotgun", "Select", "Back");
case 3: // Misc
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, WEAPONSMENU7 , DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{09F7DF}Select a Weapon", "{09F7DF}Fire Extinguisher\n{09F7DF}Parachute\n{09F7DF}Nightvision Goggles\n{09F7DF}Flowers \n{09F7DF}Camera", "Select", "Back");
return 1;
if(dialogid == WEAPONSMENU1)
case 0: GivePlayerWeapon(playerid,1);//give brass knuckles
case 1: GivePlayerWeapon(playerid,2);//give golf club.
//repeat this for all the dialogues.