[FilterScript] [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter + Auto FTP Uploader

Bug Reporter
File Description:
This is a simple filterscript that allows all your server visitors to report instantly any bug they find in your gamemode. This will update a table in an html file, that you can see by opening it with your browser.
It doesn't use any other library then a_samp, so there is no worries about compatibility or having to download any other library includes to modify the filterscript.

Currently, the filterscript is in version 0.1b, but unlike my previous releases I took a deep look into this one.

If you find any bug, or if you wish any feature or simply have a suggestion to make, please reply to this topic. Comments are welcome aswell.

Oh, I almost forgot. This also includes a welcome message in OnPlayerConnect, telling which command the player can use to report a bug. («/bug [description]»)

SolidFiles Download: Version 0.1b

Bug Reporter - Version 0.1b
Copyright © Joгo 'Zriptarusk' Lopes, All rights reserved

Feel free to modify and publish (or just mirror it), as long as you don't remove the credits.

Features to be Added: Request a feature by replying to this topic
- Table Column - User IP Address

How to Publish the Bug Reports in the Web:
File Uploader as finnaly been released. You can use it to update the file automaticly.

Another great way, requires you to have PHP and a web server (apache is good) in the same machine as your sa-mp-server.exe.
If you do, create a 'bugreports.php' in your www root, and populate that file with this code:

echo file_get_contents('/path/to/samp/server/scriptfiles/bugreports.htm');
This code has been submited by N_i_k_i

File Uploader
Bug Reporter File Uploader is a simple Java Application that checks every 5 seconds if the file was modified, and if it was, uploads it to a server specified by you.

Messages In This Thread
[Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter + Auto FTP Uploader - by -zriptarusk - 13.04.2009, 22:20
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by Klutty - 13.04.2009, 22:21
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by -zriptarusk - 13.04.2009, 22:22
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by Klutty - 13.04.2009, 22:23
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by mirkoiz - 14.04.2009, 14:11
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by -zriptarusk - 14.04.2009, 18:30
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by n_i_k_i - 14.04.2009, 21:18
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by mirkoiz - 14.04.2009, 22:47
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by -zriptarusk - 14.04.2009, 23:01
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by mirkoiz - 14.04.2009, 23:02
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by -zriptarusk - 15.04.2009, 09:04
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by Maercell - 15.04.2009, 09:33
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by -zriptarusk - 15.04.2009, 09:57
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by mirkoiz - 15.04.2009, 12:35
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by n_i_k_i - 15.04.2009, 17:35
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by mirkoiz - 15.04.2009, 17:59
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by -zriptarusk - 15.04.2009, 18:22
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by Maercell - 15.04.2009, 18:29
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by -zriptarusk - 15.04.2009, 18:35
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by mirkoiz - 15.04.2009, 20:26
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by -zriptarusk - 15.04.2009, 23:23
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by mirkoiz - 16.04.2009, 00:11
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by n_i_k_i - 16.04.2009, 05:14
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by -zriptarusk - 16.04.2009, 11:45
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by mirkoiz - 16.04.2009, 12:28
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by -zriptarusk - 16.04.2009, 12:36
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by mirkoiz - 16.04.2009, 12:42
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by -zriptarusk - 16.04.2009, 12:56
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by mirkoiz - 16.04.2009, 12:59
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by n_i_k_i - 16.04.2009, 15:21
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by -zriptarusk - 16.04.2009, 15:33
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by mirkoiz - 16.04.2009, 16:55
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by -zriptarusk - 16.04.2009, 18:06
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by karla - 16.04.2009, 19:13
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by -zriptarusk - 16.04.2009, 19:56
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by karla - 16.04.2009, 20:20
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter + FTP Uploader - by -zriptarusk - 16.04.2009, 22:27
Re: [Filterscript] HTML Bug Reporter - by mirkoiz - 16.04.2009, 22:40

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