[Map] Los Santos Skate Park Edit

There was really no purpose on my why I made this mapping actually lol.
I just had it in my mind and stored it. Was hoping maybe it would be used for a event or some sort.

It has a DJ, Dancing Floor, Parking, And that other stuff. :3

Download: http://pastebin.com/xk2ChZM9

http://i.imgur.com/XOIO2Zx.jpg (Picture is pretty big, so just click on it.)

Messages In This Thread
Los Santos Skate Park Edit - by xmathewx75 - 04.10.2013, 19:54
Re: Los Santos Skate Park Edit - by VinPure - 05.10.2013, 01:38
Re: Los Santos Skate Park Edit - by DouglasRamirez - 05.10.2013, 03:27
Re: Los Santos Skate Park Edit - by raider19rus - 05.10.2013, 14:29
Re: Los Santos Skate Park Edit - by DanishHaq - 05.10.2013, 15:14
Re: Los Santos Skate Park Edit - by xmathewx75 - 06.10.2013, 18:19
Re: Los Santos Skate Park Edit - by lexroyh - 09.10.2013, 11:15
Re: Los Santos Skate Park Edit - by TLN - 09.10.2013, 11:38

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