[Map] Los Santos Bank Exterior Edit

So I worked for a community a couple months back (They died apparently due to lack of players)
And from what I was working on (This was one of my last projects before they died) was make some new exteriors for places such as LSPD, All Saints, Bank, Etc..

And since I really don't want this to be a waste, I'm releasing it for you guys!

Download: http://pastebin.com/XRKY1AfN


Messages In This Thread
Los Santos Bank Exterior Edit - by xmathewx75 - 04.10.2013, 19:42
Re: Los Santos Bank Exterior Edit - by xxRichixx - 05.10.2013, 05:57
Re: Los Santos Bank Exterior Edit - by raider19rus - 05.10.2013, 14:47

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