04.10.2013, 04:08
Hello, I am looking to create a big community and I am willing to spend around 300 Dollars on starting my community. So, I am talking about, I'd like to start a huge community like Next Generation Gaming or Horizon Gaming or San Andreas Roleplay or maybe Italy Mafia, yeh, like those huge ones. So, I got a question, that What is better to host one of my 500 Slot samp server and a TeamSpeak 3 Server, Whats better to use for me ? A vps or a Dedicated server and why ?
-So, basically, my question is: What is better to start a big community, a VPS or a Dedicated Server and Why ?
- Thank you.
-So, basically, my question is: What is better to start a big community, a VPS or a Dedicated Server and Why ?
- Thank you.