intel core-i users, you paid for two processors

Did you realize that i completely left out all that vague nsa and conspiracy stuff? The source simply is the first english one i found on ******, and is NOT my primary source, but I dont care to post german sources here.

My point just is that for a profit-orientated company like intel developing a multi-million-dollar technology that noone needs, noone wants, and noone pays for is bullshit. And intel guys are clever enough to know that it would be bullshit, so obviously theres some other kind of profit for them from this.
This is for discussing about WHAT KIND of profit this is. And im simply interested in how many guys who (passively) use this actually knew about it.

Originally Posted by your intel respone #1
"First, Intel does not participate in government efforts to decrease security in technology, and does not include backdoors for unauthorised access into its products.
I dont give a fuck about blurry statements like this since ********, ****** and co "didnt cooperate with the nsa".
I neither use it as point against them, nor for them, i simply ignore it.

Originally Posted by your intel response #2
"Second, the piece on vPro is based on incorrect information, assumptions and misunderstandings; it is wrong on many levels," the spokesperson said. "The underlying technology is not new and has been in place for more than 7 years."
My upper points are still valid just from the information they got on their official website. To repeat it again, it doesnt make any sense to pay for features that noone needs. If theres any valueable information in this statement, its that they are already doing for 7 years, without anyone knowing.

Originally Posted by your intel response #3
When asked if consumers or customers would appreciate hidden 3G technology in Intel CPUs, the spokesperson said: "I would note that the Snowden leaks was not mentioned in the vPro article that has been circulating".
Ehm, yeah. This is what im talking about. "Do your customers like that technology?" "Noone talked about Snowden."
Ok... wait, WHAT?

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