Originally Posted by [RD
Chez ]
plagiator =\ and thief
Really? Do you think it's my goal to attain godlike status on the Internet by passing simple scripts off as my own? I coded this last night for my server, and posted it here with the intention of maybe helping someone. I'm assuming you skipped right over the disclaimer that reads, "I also understand that similar code is probably easily found elsewhere."
Originally Posted by Norn
You should still give the unenterable vehicles names, some players enter with PutPlayerInVehicle, and sending a blank string will crash the server.
I appreciate your bringing this to my attention. I just tested it, and my server did in fact crash when sent a blank string. Originally I had the unenterable vehicles named "UNENTERABLE," but I figured that this was simply a waste of space. The thing is, the vehicles that can't be entered would probably hardly ever be entered, even through irregular means (eg., trailers), although RC vehicles are always a possibility. I suppose I'll go through and add in the names, just for good measure.