Port forwarding

Listen Bro , You Need To Check Your Gateway , to check it , open start , write in search bar "cmd" after you write cmd then write ipconfig check your gate way , now open your internet setup website (write in any browser you gate way ) a username and password will appear you need to know your password and username (if you don't know it call your internt service ) sometimes the username name and password is admin , then click on basic , then click on nat , then virtual server , then copy your router ip http://whatismyipaddress.com/ then submit hope it work and btw you can't give reps you are -reps . any way I want to help I am not looking for reps

Messages In This Thread
Port forwarding - by Vrag - 24.09.2013, 16:44
Re: Port forwarding - by ic3cr3am - 24.09.2013, 16:57
Re: Port forwarding - by Vrag - 24.09.2013, 17:37
Re: Port forwarding - by XxmazenelsayedxX - 24.09.2013, 17:41

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