What you want in a Death-match server [For noobs]

Well, i'm currently busy making a Death-match server for noobs.

I just want to know what will make you join and stay in the server for a long time.

This is what i got so far:

health[+20%], armour[+20%], pistol_9mm, silenced_9mm, shotgun, sawnoff, combat, uzi, mp5, tec9, ak47, m4, country, sniper, rocket[1], grenade[3], dersert eagle
Anti-cheat system:

if players weapon ammo is over max, that player will get automatically banned. Server won't give player more ammo than the max.
Weapon hacking:
When player has weapon that in not in server(like minigun), they will get automatically banned.
Health and armour refill:
 When player has refill health, they will get automatically banned.
and there is much more, please post any types of hacks, i need max server protection and tell me what you would like to be in the server. i will rep+ you.

Messages In This Thread
What you want in a Death-match server[Fun || For noobs and pros]. - by ic3cr3am - 23.09.2013, 14:28
Re: What you want in a Death-match server [For noobs] - by kN1GhT - 23.09.2013, 15:37
Re: What you want in a Death-match server [For noobs] - by ic3cr3am - 23.09.2013, 17:39
Re: What you want in a Death-match server [For noobs] - by Luis- - 23.09.2013, 18:31
Re: What you want in a Death-match server [For noobs] - by iZN - 23.09.2013, 18:43
Re: What you want in a Death-match server [For noobs] - by ic3cr3am - 23.09.2013, 19:18

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