16.09.2013, 20:49
Last edited by justsomeguy; 20/09/2013 at 03:19 PM.
Hello, and thank you for clicking this topic! Underneath you will find a guide explaining how the reputation system works and how people commonly use it!
I hope new users will find this guide usefull, critisism is appreciated!
Chapter one: The reputation points and social status.
This forum makes use of a 'reputation' system. Wich it's goal is to give other users an idea of how trustable or how nice you are.
People always want a bigger and better social status than others. Even here, online where we are complete strangers to eachother, we still feel the need to be in some way 'better' than others, by having a better imaginary social status.
This is something you cannot stop, because it is actually part of human instinct.
Chapter two: negative (-) reputation points and positive (+) reputation points.
As you may have noticed, some users have a '-' in front of their number of reputation points.
This means that they have a reputation below zero, wich is concidered a bad status.
If there is not an '-' there to see, then they have a positive reputation status. Usually higher reputation points is concidered a good thing.
People with a higher amount of reputation points will find themselfs being trusted a little bit better, and thus are concidered 'better' than people with the negative amount of reputation points.
Chapter three: Postcount and reputation points.
Not only are the reputation points important, also the postcount.
What exactly is the postcount: Quite simply the amount of comments or threads made by the user. This forum has several ranks, with 'Godfather' being the highest rank.(This also somehow affects your imaginary social status)
How the amount of posts and reputation points can affect your image:
Little Clucker - 0 rep.
You're new, nothing too bad.
Big Clucker - 10-20 rep.
Not too bad, other users probably will still look down on you though.
Big Clucker and up - 100-500 rep.
Pretty good. People won't be a dick as fast as normal as long as you aren't a dick yourself.
Any rank- Negative rep.
Seen as not able to trust/a troll/12 yr old kid.
Chapter four: Why complaining about your negative reputation points is a bad thing to do.
As you may have noticed; you are on the internet. People like to troll and screw around. So if you complain about people deducting your reputation points, they will jokingly do it some more!
Complaining will only make the trolls and everyone in general deduct your reputation, because they are tired of the same thread being made weekly and/or they think it is extremely childish to complain about imaginary internet points.
Chapter five: Conclusion.
What we have learned today:
People are always in battle over the postion of 'who is the better person' and will therefore be demeaning toward others who they condider to be 'below' them.
Reputation points are mostly used as an indicator of what the person may be like, but should most of the times be ignored due to the high amount of trolls.
Complaining about this will only get you MORE reputation deduction.
Thank you for reading this little guide! Any critisism is highly appreciated and thank you for reading!
Removed [center] tags since it annoyed people!
Hello, and thank you for clicking this topic! Underneath you will find a guide explaining how the reputation system works and how people commonly use it!
I hope new users will find this guide usefull, critisism is appreciated!
Chapter one: The reputation points and social status.
This forum makes use of a 'reputation' system. Wich it's goal is to give other users an idea of how trustable or how nice you are.
People always want a bigger and better social status than others. Even here, online where we are complete strangers to eachother, we still feel the need to be in some way 'better' than others, by having a better imaginary social status.
This is something you cannot stop, because it is actually part of human instinct.
Chapter two: negative (-) reputation points and positive (+) reputation points.
As you may have noticed, some users have a '-' in front of their number of reputation points.
This means that they have a reputation below zero, wich is concidered a bad status.
If there is not an '-' there to see, then they have a positive reputation status. Usually higher reputation points is concidered a good thing.
People with a higher amount of reputation points will find themselfs being trusted a little bit better, and thus are concidered 'better' than people with the negative amount of reputation points.
Chapter three: Postcount and reputation points.
Not only are the reputation points important, also the postcount.
What exactly is the postcount: Quite simply the amount of comments or threads made by the user. This forum has several ranks, with 'Godfather' being the highest rank.(This also somehow affects your imaginary social status)
How the amount of posts and reputation points can affect your image:
Little Clucker - 0 rep.
You're new, nothing too bad.
Big Clucker - 10-20 rep.
Not too bad, other users probably will still look down on you though.
Big Clucker and up - 100-500 rep.
Pretty good. People won't be a dick as fast as normal as long as you aren't a dick yourself.
Any rank- Negative rep.
Seen as not able to trust/a troll/12 yr old kid.
Chapter four: Why complaining about your negative reputation points is a bad thing to do.
As you may have noticed; you are on the internet. People like to troll and screw around. So if you complain about people deducting your reputation points, they will jokingly do it some more!
Complaining will only make the trolls and everyone in general deduct your reputation, because they are tired of the same thread being made weekly and/or they think it is extremely childish to complain about imaginary internet points.
Chapter five: Conclusion.
What we have learned today:
People are always in battle over the postion of 'who is the better person' and will therefore be demeaning toward others who they condider to be 'below' them.
Reputation points are mostly used as an indicator of what the person may be like, but should most of the times be ignored due to the high amount of trolls.
Complaining about this will only get you MORE reputation deduction.
Thank you for reading this little guide! Any critisism is highly appreciated and thank you for reading!
Removed [center] tags since it annoyed people!