[FilterScript] AFK + FRAMES FS

If you're gonna translate, do it properly:



Hello everyone, today I am going to post my first FilterScript.

This is a good FilterScript for a Roleplay GameMode.

It contains 3 commands which consist of 2 afk commands and the other command for the frames.

The commands are:

/afk - /noafk

By typing /fps, you'll receive a textdraw towards the top right of your screen that indicates the number of fps (I think)...

Apologies for my English but I am Italian.

Warning: Do not remove the credits.

BTW: It's good, I suppose.

Messages In This Thread
AFK + FRAMES FS - by IlPrincipino - 09.09.2013, 17:00
Re: AFK + FRAMES FS - by Omar55555 - 10.09.2013, 12:12
Re: AFK + FRAMES FS - by zrelly - 13.09.2013, 22:27
Re: AFK + FRAMES FS - by Mark_Samp - 13.09.2013, 22:52
Re: AFK + FRAMES FS - by IlPrincipino - 16.09.2013, 13:03
Re: AFK + FRAMES FS - by Sliceofdeath - 16.09.2013, 13:34
Re: AFK + FRAMES FS - by IlPrincipino - 16.09.2013, 13:41
Re: AFK + FRAMES FS - by newbienoob - 16.09.2013, 13:45
Re: AFK + FRAMES FS - by doreto - 16.09.2013, 14:10
Re: AFK + FRAMES FS - by DanishHaq - 16.09.2013, 14:55

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