Player crashing

lool yeah it will not show anything because its for servers... BTW just take that crash plugin off.. And drive a round where you last time got crashed.. Then you will see maybe there are some map icons or something what could do a player crash.

Messages In This Thread
Player crashing - by NeroX98 - 12.09.2013, 21:19
Re: Player crashing - by FiReAlEx - 12.09.2013, 21:24
Re: Player crashing - by Scrillex - 12.09.2013, 21:30
Re: Player crashing - by NeroX98 - 12.09.2013, 21:46
Re: Player crashing - by Scrillex - 12.09.2013, 21:48
Re: Player crashing - by Omar55555 - 12.09.2013, 21:51

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