Distance from that player

Adding the ! means that it's not. So adding the ! to the start of IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint is literally if the player ISN'T in range of the point.

So by adding that to your code (the !), it will mean that if the player is not in the range of 5.0 it will do something under that line. And under the else means that it will do it if the player is in range of that point.

Messages In This Thread
Distance from that player - by Lajko1 - 12.09.2013, 12:21
Re: Distance from that player - by Lajko1 - 12.09.2013, 14:56
Re: Distance from that player - by PrivatioBoni - 12.09.2013, 14:58
Re: Distance from that player - by DanishHaq - 12.09.2013, 15:00
Re: Distance from that player - by Lajko1 - 12.09.2013, 16:20
Re: Distance from that player - by DanishHaq - 12.09.2013, 16:22
AW: Distance from that player - by Skimmer - 12.09.2013, 16:39
Re: Distance from that player - by Lajko1 - 12.09.2013, 17:22
Re: Distance from that player - by Lajko1 - 12.09.2013, 19:50
Re: Distance from that player - by Konstantinos - 12.09.2013, 20:00

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