12.09.2013, 16:03
I have used MP2's function which is:
But I'm not sure what to do from here. Do I use IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint of GetPosBehindVehicle? Thanks.
I'm sorry there's loose indents in the code but I had to type it up on mobile cause no Internet access.
pawn Code:
stock GetPosBehindVehicle (vehicleid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z, Float:offset=0.5)
new Float:vehicleSize[3], Float:vehiclePos[3];
GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, vehiclePos[0], vehiclePos[1], vehiclePos[2]);
GetVehicleModelInfo(GetVehicleModel(vehicleid), VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_SIZE,vehicleSize[0],vehicleSize[1], vehicleSize[2]);
GetXYBehindVehicle(vehicleid, vehiclePos[0], vehiclePos[1], (vehicleSize[1]/2)+offset);
x = vehiclePos[0];
y = vehiclePos[1];
z = vehiclePos[2];
return 1;
GetXYBehindVehicle(vehicleid, &Float:q, &Float:w, Float:distance)
new Float:a;
GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, q, w, a);
GetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, a);
q += (distance * -floatsin(-a, degrees));
w += (distance * -floatcos(-a, degrees));
I'm sorry there's loose indents in the code but I had to type it up on mobile cause no Internet access.