How can I make every licence plate say one thing?

Put it after you have created all the vehicles. If you create them in OnGameModeInit, then put it after all the createvehicle/addstaticvehicle code.

Messages In This Thread
How can I make every licence plate say one thing? - by ExtendedCarbon - 09.09.2013, 17:39
Re: How can I make every licence plate say one thing? - by Luis- - 09.09.2013, 17:45
Re: How can I make every licence plate say one thing? - by Jstylezzz - 09.09.2013, 17:46
Re: How can I make every licence plate say one thing? - by ExtendedCarbon - 09.09.2013, 17:53
Re: How can I make every licence plate say one thing? - by Jstylezzz - 09.09.2013, 17:59

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