How do I make it so if a vehicle isn't at it's spawn point it respawns

I have vehicles mapped in at spawn, but if people ram them away they don't respawn unless I use a respawncars command.

How do I make it so that they respawn when they are not at the spawn location

Messages In This Thread
How do I make it so if a vehicle isn't at it's spawn point it respawns - by ExtendedCarbon - 09.09.2013, 15:33
Re: How do I make it so if a vehicle isn't at it's spawn point it respawns - by Jstylezzz - 09.09.2013, 17:48
Re: How do I make it so if a vehicle isn't at it's spawn point it respawns - by IstuntmanI - 09.09.2013, 18:03

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