[Tutorial] Creating MySQL Database Tables (Text Editor)

Creating a MySQL database tables using Text Editors
This simple tutorial is for servers that use MySQL database for saving data such as player stats, vehicles, and the like. These kinds of databases would more often than not require a lot of fields that could take up much of your time if you do it manually on your host or localhost itself like filling out the fields, scrolling towards the right, you name it. In this tutorial, you'll learn the basics on setting up your database using any text editor that you have.

What is a database?
As described on Wikipedia, a database is an organized collection of data - the simplest way that it could be explained if you have no idea on what it is. MySQL is used for but not limited to retrieving and storing data.

Let's get started
Before anything else, you just need a few things:
* Any text-editor like notepad (I prefer using Notepad++)
* Your localhost or host with a ready-made database (phpMyAdmin)

Things you need to know about creating a MySQL database that will be used in this tutorial:
TABLESThis is where columns or fields are stored, think of it as a shelf for your books.
FIELDS OR COLUMNSThe holders of your data (e.g. "username" or "password")
TYPESThe type of data stored into the fields such as integers, strings, float values.
LENGTH OR VALUESThis determines the limit of the data you store.
DEFAULTBasically, the default value for each field. If used, it would automatically set the value when inserting data if not specified.
NULL OR NOT NULLIndicates whether a data value exists or not.
AUTO_INCREMENTAutomatically increases the value of data stored in a field. Commonly used for IDs that are set as primary index.
I won't even try to explain much about data types but just to as far as I know and have used them. Just to give you an idea on what type should be used for a specific value.
  • NUMERIC - used for numeric values such as integers
  • STRING - obviously for string and text values (e.g. player name)
  • DATE and TIME - used for date and time values (haven't tried using)
If you would like to know more about data types and a whole of information about MySQL, especially about storage requirements simply visit this link. Now for the structure of the database, I'll be using player accounts as an example.

Step 1 : The text-editor
Open your notepad or any text-editor.

Step 2 : Starting off
Start of with this code:
PHP Code:
This would create a table with the name "accounts" only if it doesn't exist which is the right thing to do. So if there's already a table in your database with the same name, you would get an error. If you've noticed there's an open parenthesis at the end, so now you have to close it, by doing this:
PHP Code:
The storage engine that I'll be using is InnoDB (provides transaction-safe tables) which is I think is the most efficient to be used in these kinds of databases. For more information about MySQL storage engines, click here. And for the character set support, I'll be using latin1, it is also the default character set for MySQL. Finally, set the auto_increment value to 1 - this will determine the start of where the primary key would automatically increase.

Step 3 : Adding fields or columns
Now we can start putting in the different fields for the table, just like so:
PHP Code:
The code above would create a field or column named "ID" which will be numeric (in this case, I used INT) and set the length or value limit to 11, I used NOT NULL since it exists and indicate that this would be the field for the value to increase automatically.

Then you can add a line for the player's name, password, level, skin, and all that.
PHP Code:
    `playernamevarchar(25NOT NULL,
passwordvarchar(150NOT NULL,
playerlevelint(10NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
playerskinint(5NOT NULL DEFAULT '271'
Now you have columns using numeric and string data types. It's simple to set a default value, in this case, the level's default value is 0 and skin is 271 (Ryder skin).

Step 4 : Setting the primary key
Setting the primary key, this indicates the field that would automatically increase (which is ID) as defined. After the last field that of your table, add this line in:
PHP Code:
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`) 
Step 5 : Ready for import
When you're done adding all the fields you need, you would have something like this:
PHP Code:
playernamevarchar(25NOT NULL,
passwordvarchar(150NOT NULL,
playerlevelint(10NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
playerskinint(5NOT NULL DEFAULT '271',
moneyint(11NOT NULL DEFAULT '500',
bankaccountint(11NOT NULL DEFAULT '100',
gendervarchar(20NOT NULL,
ageint(5NOT NULL DEFAULT '18',
And it's ready to be imported onto your database.

Step 6 : Uploading and importing
If you don't have a database yet, then follow this basic tutorial for creating one: Basic MySQL Tutorial

Uploading your table/s by simply using the code or text (running query on the database):
  1. Copy your text or code for the table to be created.
  2. Select your database where you want the table to be in.
  3. Click on SQL at the upper menu and a text-box would appear.
  4. Paste it and should look like the image below.
  5. Click on GO to run the query.
Alternatively, you can also import it by saving your text-file as a .SQL file and upload it.
  1. Click on IMPORT at the upper menu.
  2. Choose your .SQL file from your computer.
  3. Make sure that the FORMAT is set to "SQL" before you
  4. Click on GO
That's about it for this tutorial. It may not be complete as I've intended this tutorial for those who already know even a bit about MySQL and phpMyAdmin. If I missed out on some points especially the important ones, I'd appreciate if you post a reply for me to improve and edit it.

- This is the first tutorial that I made so any comments or suggestions would be appreciated for the benefit of people reading and also for the tutorial itself.
- I'm not an EXPERT when it comes to MySQL, just experienced enough to suffice my needs for using it.
- I hope this tutorial helps and good luck!

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