Scariest thing you ever done

Hmm I did other things:
Cut people's throats from behind... massive blood jumping out of his neck like some sort of pump is forcing it out...
Me looking at the poor guy laying down dead... and thinking: "Hmm, 1 kill more = 1 step closest to get some cops...".
Then cops come and try to bust you...
You laugh out loud thinking: "Pfff, eheheheh these guys are dumbasses... I have BAXUVIX morons GHAGHAGHA!"
Then you pull out that RPG or minigun and take em out like they were buggies...
More cops to come... Then level raises and you watch yourself surrounded out of tanks...
Quickly typing AIWPRTON... "Haha, noob army babies... I have got one too!".
Then starting throwing a bunch of rockets from that tank...

Egh, I used to be a gangbanging copkilling armywasting CJ...

Messages In This Thread
Scariest thing you ever done - by RedJohn - 07.09.2013, 20:23
Re: Scariest thing you ever done - by Haydn - 07.09.2013, 20:38
Re: Scariest thing you ever done - by Luis- - 07.09.2013, 20:57
Re: Scariest thing you ever done - by Tamer - 07.09.2013, 21:04
Re: Scariest thing you ever done - by Max_Coldheart - 07.09.2013, 21:04
Re: Scariest thing you ever done - by RedJohn - 07.09.2013, 21:17
Re: Scariest thing you ever done - by Vrag - 07.09.2013, 21:19
Re: Scariest thing you ever done - by RedJohn - 07.09.2013, 21:32
Re: Scariest thing you ever done - by Dragonsaurus - 07.09.2013, 21:41
Re: Scariest thing you ever done - by carz0159 - 07.09.2013, 23:01

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