[HELP] offban reason

Hello everyone I have command /offban and that all work's but how can I when offban player connect to the server then he get message of ban reason how can I read from file someone player ban reason. If you know what I mean?Thanks

this is check if player offban

pawn Код:
new lokacija[128],rzl[128],PlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
            GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
                ClearChatbox(playerid, 40);
                SCM(playerid,0xDB023EFF,"G-Protect: {FFFFFFVas account je trenutno iskljucen sa servera! Izbaceni ste!");
                SCMF(playerid,BELA,"G-Protect: Razlog bana: %s",rzl);

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] offban reason - by Luca12 - 07.09.2013, 12:01
Re: [HELP] offban reason - by OxyG3N - 07.09.2013, 12:26

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