SQL table creation

I have a simple doubt about creating SQL table.

I had made a MySQL R6 script some months ago and now i would like to add some more fields in the table.
The problem is there are currently 5000+ users has registered and i don't want to loose those accounts.

So, is it possible to create more fields into the current database table?

Please try to respond as soon as possible..

Thank you.

Messages In This Thread
SQL table creation - by Fernado Samuel - 05.09.2013, 17:22
Re: SQL table creation - by WopsS - 05.09.2013, 17:47
Re: SQL table creation - by Fernado Samuel - 05.09.2013, 17:53
Re: SQL table creation - by Tomer!.$ - 05.09.2013, 18:16
Re: SQL table creation - by MagedXp - 05.09.2013, 20:29
Re: SQL table creation - by Fernado Samuel - 05.09.2013, 20:52
AW: SQL table creation - by BigETI - 05.09.2013, 20:56

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