05.09.2013, 15:35
try this
and download .so plugins,
echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 1 rcon_password rgx2013r3d maxplayers 50 port 7777 hostname ReD's-GeNeRaTiOnX-[RGX] FR 2013 || [DM] [STUNT] [RACE] [TDM] mapname [RG]-Gaming gamemode0 RGXTDM 1 filterscripts XA Weapon-laser HW Fuel new2 irc Gang plugins streamer.so sscanf.so whirlpool.so announce 1 query 1 weburl Rgxtdm.tk onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 300.0 stream_rate 1000 maxnpc 0 logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
Download https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=102865 and https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=120356 with extension .so and put it to plugins. |