Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" "

pawn Code:
if(listitem == 0) // ..
pawn Code:
if(dialogid == DIALOG_SELL)
    if(response) // Button 1
        if(listitem == 0)

            if(MeatRob[playerid] == 1)
                GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 3000);
                SendClientMessage(playerid, Green, "You sold meet, you got 3000$!");
                SendClientMessage(playerid, Green, "You don't have any meat to sell");
            return 1;
        if(listitem == 1)
            SendClientMessage(playerid, Green, "Should display the third altenative (Commands)");
        return 1;
You're indentation are bad correct them for a better look at your script.

Messages In This Thread
Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by davve95 - 04.09.2013, 17:02
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Konstantinos - 04.09.2013, 17:07
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by davve95 - 04.09.2013, 18:39
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Konstantinos - 04.09.2013, 18:40
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by davve95 - 04.09.2013, 18:46
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by DanishHaq - 04.09.2013, 18:50
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Konstantinos - 04.09.2013, 18:50
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by davve95 - 04.09.2013, 18:56
Re : Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Matnix - 04.09.2013, 18:57
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Isolated - 04.09.2013, 18:59
Re: Re : Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by davve95 - 04.09.2013, 19:02
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Konstantinos - 04.09.2013, 19:02
Re : Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Matnix - 04.09.2013, 19:05
Re: Re : Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by davve95 - 04.09.2013, 19:10
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Konstantinos - 04.09.2013, 19:12
Re : Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Matnix - 04.09.2013, 19:15
Re: Re : Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Isolated - 04.09.2013, 20:22
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by davve95 - 05.09.2013, 14:45

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