Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" "

pawn Code:
if listitem == 0)
pawn Code:
Using the function like that does nothing. It returns the money, so you would either store it and do whatever you want or remove it because it makes no sense.

Messages In This Thread
Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by davve95 - 04.09.2013, 17:02
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Konstantinos - 04.09.2013, 17:07
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by davve95 - 04.09.2013, 18:39
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Konstantinos - 04.09.2013, 18:40
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by davve95 - 04.09.2013, 18:46
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by DanishHaq - 04.09.2013, 18:50
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Konstantinos - 04.09.2013, 18:50
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by davve95 - 04.09.2013, 18:56
Re : Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Matnix - 04.09.2013, 18:57
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Isolated - 04.09.2013, 18:59
Re: Re : Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by davve95 - 04.09.2013, 19:02
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Konstantinos - 04.09.2013, 19:02
Re : Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Matnix - 04.09.2013, 19:05
Re: Re : Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by davve95 - 04.09.2013, 19:10
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Konstantinos - 04.09.2013, 19:12
Re : Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Matnix - 04.09.2013, 19:15
Re: Re : Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by Isolated - 04.09.2013, 20:22
Re: Compiling problem: "expected token: "*then", but found ")" " - by davve95 - 05.09.2013, 14:45

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