[FilterScript] Simple Vehicles System

Simple Vehicles System

Hello. It is my first script. If you have this script at your server, players can spawn any vehicle. Any vehicle without army vehicle and trains. This script have only 3 command and is very simple.
  1. /V - For list with vehicle categories and vehicles.
  2. /Vehicle [Model/Name Vehicle] - For spawn vehicle by model or name.
  3. /Modernization - For modernization vehicle.
In last command, you know, /Modernization you can control your vehicle.
  1. Enable and disable engine.
  2. Enable and disable lights.
  3. Enable and disable alarm.
  4. Unlock and lock vehicle.
  5. Open and close bonnet.
  6. Open and close boot.
I have some screenshots.

And now is time for download.
If you see any bugs, tell me. And sorry for my english, but im not from england.

Messages In This Thread
Simple Vehicles System - by Dreishalm - 02.09.2013, 12:50
Re: Simple Vehicles System - by Krystexd - 02.09.2013, 13:07
Re: Simple Vehicles System - by Mzake - 03.09.2013, 14:58
Re: Simple Vehicles System - by Dreishalm - 14.09.2013, 21:22
Re: Simple Vehicles System - by Ninad - 14.09.2013, 21:32
Re: Simple Vehicles System - by DanishHaq - 14.09.2013, 21:59
Re: Simple Vehicles System - by Ninad - 15.09.2013, 06:36

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