
Originally Posted by dr1ftp0w3r
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For your friend to remove the nullroute he has to do this:

first: route -n (to get the table list)

then he removes whatever nullroute's there is in that table by doing this:

route del ip.range.or.ip gw lo

Good luck
How is he suppose to access this without being able to use it? Once null-routed, there cannot be any connections to the server as it'll just route the incoming traffic to nowhere.

Messages In This Thread
Nullroute.. - by FireNation - 29.08.2013, 18:23
Re: Nullroute.. - by Ha$H_Sexyboy - 29.08.2013, 18:35
Re: Nullroute.. - by Riddy - 29.08.2013, 18:42
Re: Nullroute.. - by FireNation - 29.08.2013, 18:47
Re: Nullroute.. - by Dopefull - 29.08.2013, 19:01
Re: Nullroute.. - by ColorHost-Kevin - 30.08.2013, 00:22
Re: Nullroute.. - by dr1ftp0w3r - 30.08.2013, 01:16
Re: Nullroute.. - by Riddy - 30.08.2013, 02:17
Re: Nullroute.. - by linuxthefish - 30.08.2013, 13:49

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