SetVehicleNumberPlate help

You didn't understand me. It saved "0NumberPlate=example", I meant how does it get loaded*.

The code you load it from the file to do:
pawn Код:
SetVehicleNumberPlate(carcreated, PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvNumberPlate]);

Messages In This Thread
SetVehicleNumberPlate help - by damian123 - 29.08.2013, 18:15
Re: SetVehicleNumberPlate help - by Konstantinos - 29.08.2013, 18:17
Re: SetVehicleNumberPlate help - by damian123 - 29.08.2013, 18:19
Re: SetVehicleNumberPlate help - by Konstantinos - 29.08.2013, 18:21
Re: SetVehicleNumberPlate help - by damian123 - 29.08.2013, 19:10
Re: SetVehicleNumberPlate help - by damian123 - 31.08.2013, 08:14

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