
So In my script i made some commands and in the commands theres some usage:/me [action] stuff for example and i seted it to the colour light blue what happens shows up in dark blue I set whisper to yellow and it appears in light blue
the /me command was suposed to be green and is dark blue i dont understand whats happening is the color format different? where should i get my colours from

Messages In This Thread
Colours - by Strapz - 29.08.2013, 16:18
AW: Colours - by Blackazur - 29.08.2013, 16:18
Re: Colours - by Luis- - 29.08.2013, 16:20
Re: Colours - by 3MY - 29.08.2013, 16:22
Re: Colours - by Konstantinos - 29.08.2013, 16:24
Re: AW: Colours - by Strapz - 29.08.2013, 16:30
Re: Colours - by Dragonsaurus - 29.08.2013, 16:37
Re: Colours - by 3MY - 29.08.2013, 16:59

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