Pickup with keys

You don't need to create a Pickup to give armour to the player, the Alt key corresponds to the Walk key by default so here is the code put this somewhere in your script :

public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
	if (newkeys & KEY_WALK) // If the player presses the Walk key (by default Alt)
	return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Pickup with keys - by SilentSoul - 29.08.2013, 00:26
Re: Pickup with keys - by urbanghetto - 29.08.2013, 00:34
Re: Pickup with keys - by SilentSoul - 29.08.2013, 00:38
Re: Pickup with keys - by SilentSoul - 29.08.2013, 00:45
Re: Pickup with keys - by urbanghetto - 29.08.2013, 00:47
Re: Pickup with keys - by SilentSoul - 29.08.2013, 00:51

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