ID and the player name

Add this too OnPlayerConnect.


For mine to work; I define COLOR_WHITE.
pawn Код:
#define COLOR_WHITE         0xFFFFFFAA
And then under OnPlayerConnect, I have.
pawn Код:
So when players connect; they get the colour white. I'm creating a Roleplay script so I want all my players to have white names.

Messages In This Thread
ID and the player name - by BoU3A - 27.08.2013, 04:31
Re: ID and the player name - by CrazyChoco - 27.08.2013, 04:45
Re: ID and the player name - by BoU3A - 27.08.2013, 05:55
Re: ID and the player name - by JimmyCh - 27.08.2013, 07:48
Re: ID and the player name - by BoU3A - 27.08.2013, 16:15
Re: ID and the player name - by EiresJason - 27.08.2013, 16:27
Re: ID and the player name - by BoU3A - 27.08.2013, 16:34
Re: ID and the player name - by EiresJason - 27.08.2013, 16:39
Re: ID and the player name - by nor15 - 27.08.2013, 16:49

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