ID and the player name

This section is for scripting help, not "request a script".
Show us what you have already so we can "help" you out, we won't just write it down for you, we ain't scripting machines.

Anyway, your code probably has somewhere where it sets the player's color, either by team or just randomly.
Mind showing us that?

Messages In This Thread
ID and the player name - by BoU3A - 27.08.2013, 04:31
Re: ID and the player name - by CrazyChoco - 27.08.2013, 04:45
Re: ID and the player name - by BoU3A - 27.08.2013, 05:55
Re: ID and the player name - by JimmyCh - 27.08.2013, 07:48
Re: ID and the player name - by BoU3A - 27.08.2013, 16:15
Re: ID and the player name - by EiresJason - 27.08.2013, 16:27
Re: ID and the player name - by BoU3A - 27.08.2013, 16:34
Re: ID and the player name - by EiresJason - 27.08.2013, 16:39
Re: ID and the player name - by nor15 - 27.08.2013, 16:49

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