[GameMode] SA News - Full Faction Script (+Rep for release!)


Video Presentation:
Dear SA-MP Community,

Hereby I present you a full faction re-haul of SA News. It is the FIRST full-featured release of this faction, so I am really proud to be about to release it.

The essential function which have been fully updated to 2013-SA:MP standards:
- /broadcast (Used to broadcast a TV Show).
- /live (Used to host live-interviews with).
- /nr (Used to host the news).
- /cameraangle (Used to switch cameras within /broadcast).
- /watchtv (Used to view the (/)broadcast).

So, what has been re-scripted:

PLAYER Features:

Originally Posted by Command

You can use this command inside a house/building and at designated "Public TV"-hotspots. This will set your player's camera at the person that's broadcasting, or it will be set at a designated position determined by the cameraman.
The "TV" text draw:

SAN Features:

Originally Posted by Command

This will enable the SAN broadcasting system. By default, it will broadcast the camera-angle of YOUR player. Meaning: the view your character would have (the 'front'vector). After enabling the system, people are able to do '/watchtv', and members of SAN are able to talk in '/TV', and use the camera/director functions (declared later on).
Originally Posted by Command

This command is really freaky. It will enable an SAN member to actually be a cameraman. When using this, it will set the "TV Camera"at the current player's (cameraman's) view (the direction its character is aiming at, again: the 'front vector').

A few options:
Originally Posted by Functions
STATIC CAMERA: Camera's that move statically (not from point 'A' to 'B')
/cameraman set: This will preview the camera angle you'll be broadcasting on the TV (anyone doing /watchtv).

/cameraman broadcast: This will broadcast the set cameraangle to the TV.

/cameraman aircraft: This will enable the cameraman to broadcast from his aircraft (using nifty 'spectating'-functions). For example: Broadcast from up the air on a gang/faction fight, war, chases, etc.

/cameraman car: This will enable the cameraman to broadcast from his car. It works like the 'aircraft' function, but is used on the ground only. Example: Chase scenes.

DYNAMIC CAMERA: Camera's that move smoothly (from point 'A' to 'B').
/cameraman interpolate: This will display the 'interpolate' help menu.

Defined: This is a camera that moves smoothly/fluently from a set point 'A' to 'B'. I translated this function to an application within the role of the cameraman:

/cameraman setinterpolateA: This will set "Point A" of the camera: the 'start' of the moving camera.

/cameraman setinterpolateB: This will set "Point B" of the camera: the 'destination' of the moving camera.

/cameraman previewinterpolate: This will allow the cameraman to p preview his custom-made interpolate-camera. He is still able to change the A/B values.

/cameraman finishinterpolate: This will broadcast the interpolate camera.
Originally Posted by Command

This command will enable a member of SAN to take the lead in a TV broadcast. It will spawn a status-viewer (TV-watch-counter/modes/etc.).
The "director" directs the show: he sets the cameraangles (with either /director or /cameraangle).
/director stopcameras: This will set a "Technical difficulties"-message, allowing SAN to fix possible faulty cameraangles/cameraman, etc.

Originally Posted by Command

This allows any SAN member to set the camera angle.
Available camera angles:[INDENT=4]- Default (the first /broadcast camera position).
- Cameraman (if there's a cameraman broadcasting, it'll be his camera angle).
- Overview (A "Bird's Eye"-perspective of the scene).
- Interpolate (This will enable the "interpolate" camera function (see 'Cameraman')).
- Aircraft/Car (This will broadcast from the vehicle a cameraman would be in, if there is any).
Originally Posted by Command
/ tv:

This is used by the TV Host. It will only send client messages to those who are watching the TV (those whom have done /watchtv).
Originally Posted by Command

This command is used to invite other players to the tv show. It will enable them to talk on the /tv-string (the chat that is viewed by anyone doing /watchtv).
Some more functions will come. I'll keep you updated in this post.
Feel free to post any suggestions. I'm currently working on the TV studios and on a few bug fixes (but those are minor, luckely (for me )).



Messages In This Thread
SA News - Full Faction Script (+Rep for release!) - by Jingles - 24.08.2013, 09:36

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