ADEON project? server/crasher freezer

Hello,im running a sa-mp server 3x i had no troubles running it im hosted with but today a player joined with the name [ADEON]5158 something like that after that....BOOM,the server just froze froze how?
it gets stuck for example on the sa-mp server broswer you see 34/100 players u come after 30 minutes the same players didnt change when i try 2 join the server i just get Connected.Joining the game.... after a while server closed the connection,we had this problem before weve fixed it it was a script failure but this is not a script failure we didn't made any changes to our GM or systems so i restarted the server everything was cool until another player joined with the name AdEON_Pr0JecT he kept reloggin then boom it happened again! i think its a new crasher or somthing like that i ******d ADEON Project i got some kinda russian hacking site for sa-mp (s0biet and sonictz ) these kinda stuff.... please this is annoying i hope u fnid out a sloution 4 this thx,.

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