symbol already defined: "RemoveBuildingForPlayer"

You probably using it outside of brackets, you must use it as a function, put it under OnPlayerConnect.
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    return 1;
Check the wiki also

Messages In This Thread
symbol already defined: "RemoveBuildingForPlayer" - by DeMotion - 15.08.2013, 18:24
Re: symbol already defined: "RemoveBuildingForPlayer" - by HyperZ - 15.08.2013, 18:28
Re: symbol already defined: "RemoveBuildingForPlayer" - by DeMotion - 15.08.2013, 18:39
Re: symbol already defined: "RemoveBuildingForPlayer" - by HyperZ - 15.08.2013, 18:46
Re: symbol already defined: "RemoveBuildingForPlayer" - by DeMotion - 15.08.2013, 18:53

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